Modern Yogini

Free Meditations

Start exploring your inner self

Free Guided Meditations

Meditation is the most precious gift I was given in my life. For twelve years, I have started my daily routine with meditation, and I cannot describe how it has upgraded my life on all levels – physical, mental, and intuition.

I want to share this gift with you so that you can taste and experience it, and may it inspire you on your inner journey.

Why meditation is so good?

Usually, all our activities are connected to the outside world through our five senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. That’s how we experience the world outside. It’s wonderful but limited, which is why we constantly feel like something is missing.

Meditation is the only activity that turns inward and brings us to the experience beyond our limited senses, connecting us to our intuition and higher self.

Of course, it’s not easy and may take time to go beyond because our minds are trained to turn outward throughout our lives. But don’t worry, meditation has a beneficial effect, and you will start experiencing it in your life from the very start.

Helps to enjoy more

Meditation helps to retrain our minds, which tend to be stressed about the future or the past, causing us to miss the present. By calming down and being present in the moment, we can see the beauty and love around us now.

Develops intuition

When we learn to decrease the noise of outer senses and thoughts, we free up space to hear the inner voice or intuition.

Reduces stress

Meditation practice is about slowing down and helps to train our always-stressed mind to relax and release.

Raises your energy level

During the meditation we are connecting to our energy centers and the energy of the universe

Increases productivity

Meditation practice trains the mind to develop concentration, which is increases our productivity, we can perform any task in several times faster

Increases creativity

When you train your mind to go beynd the sences - you open yourself to the creative solutions that go beyond the limitations of the mind

Energy Healing Places Guided Meditations

Meditation is always beneficial, but practicing it in a specific atmosphere enhances its effects. It provides support, healing, and helps you go deeper.

During my travels in India, I have visited powerful energy places where you can feel the healing of your soul. All I want is to share a glimpse of this healing energy with you, along with a guided meditation.

Enjoy and remember, this guided meditation and energy place are not external; they reside within your heart…

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Articles about meditation

Learn about the energies around us and inside us. Learn how to align with them and live a peaceful life – through the articles in this blog.

Yoga is not what you think

Yoga is about “connection.” Yoga is a discipline. Yoga is a science. It’s a very practical way that teaches you to go from point A to point B.

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How to release negativity

People say “time heals”… but that’s not true, my friends… On the contrary, with time, it gets worse, because this energy doesn’t go away. It turns into tightness in the neck, tension in the body, stress, and illness…

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