Modern Yogini

Don’t meditate when you feel bad!

People often believe that meditation can alleviate anxiety and depression – but this is a huge mistake!

In this situation meditation will not help and may even worsen the symptoms. According to yogic knowledge, our world exists on three energies that are constantly changing: Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas. Sattva represents harmonious and pure energy, Rajas represents movement and rushing energy, and Tamas represents heavy and decaying energy. These energies are always in flux.

For example, Rajas can be likened to spring, Sattva to summer, and Tamas to winter. Just as a flower goes through stages of growth (Rajas), flourishing (Sattva), and decay (Tamas), there is a cosmic order to these energies. It is not possible to jump from a state of decay to a state of flourishing without going through the stage of movement (Rajas) first.

Meditation is a Sattvic state, which is not compatible with the Tamasic state of anxiety and depression. We cannot skip over the stage of movement (Rajas). In this situation, it is important to engage in physical activity such as running, sports, yoga, or any other form of exercise. Additionally, activities like cleaning the house or helping others can also be beneficial.

Only after experiencing a change in energy through movement and activity can you then allow your system to calm down and start meditating. This approach will be much more effective in managing anxiety and depression.

Be blessed🙏 Om


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