Modern Yogini

Yoga is not what you think

What you think about yoga is not yoga at all… And today it just flowed to me to explain what it is 😊

So, yoga is not exercise, and its goal is not to develop flexibility or tone the body… In yoga, there are no styles or methods – no Vinyasa, no Ashtanga, no Jnana… There’s no chocolate yoga, no Bikram yoga, and no Acro yoga.

Yoga is about “connection.” Yoga is a discipline. Yoga is a science. It’s a very practical way that teaches you to go from point A to point B.

From point A – a state of mental rigidity within our limiting thinking, to point B – absolute liberation from all thought patterns. And just like any journey, there are many stages to go through between point A and B, and within those stages, there’s a small component called Hatha yoga, which many think is just another style like Ashtanga, but slower. But it’s not.

Hatha yoga is the foundation for all the brands that have developed in the West. “Ha” is the sun, “Tha” is the moon. “Hatha” is the connection between two opposites, between the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere of the brain. Hatha yoga aims to develop mental balance through working with the physical body and breath. The goal is to be able to sit in one posture for hours without moving – and transcend further limiting thought patterns. Hatha yoga helps us to pass a small stage on the way to point B, and most of the stages in yoga are related to mental work…

Because yoga is primarily working with the mind… 

To bring us from absolute disconnection from ourselves that we live in the Western society (and think that’s life) to such a connection that there won’t be anything left in between. There will be only 1. We in the West have adopted only a small part of the physical, and we have managed to distort and commercialize even that.

But yoga speaks and teaches that we are more than the physical… There’s a physical body, an energetic body, and a causal body… and there’s also something beyond. Beyond is point B. Yoga shows us the precise path to get there.

So, that was a brief explanation of yoga…

And may be, if you are reading this, the time to start your journey has come. Learn how – from videos, posts and different activities that we offer.

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