Modern Yogini

How to release negativity

Among all the good things that happen to us during the day, something can always happen that ruins the mood… It doesn’t have to be major disasters – it can be something small…

For example, today I met someone close and shared something important with him, opened my heart, and instead of support, I received a lot of “buts”… and doubts whether I’m doing the right thing, doubts whether I will succeed…

Not that it ruined my day or decided anything, but it wasn’t pleasant… and that unpleasant feeling” ,a kind of annoyance, remained…

And I’m not talking now about the ability to receive constructive criticism, which is not simple in itself. I’m talking about all kinds of interactions that can happen during the day and create unpleasant feelings in the stomach.

And there’s a big problem with that… Because this frustrating feeling and the persistent thoughts that revolve around it – it is no more no less – energy. And according to the laws of nature: energy doesn’t disappear… The feelings seep into the system… and settle there… and then more feelings, and more thoughts… and every day one more… or several…


 People say “time heals”… but that’s not true, my friends… On the contrary, with time, it gets worse, because this energy doesn’t go away. It turns into tightness in the neck, tension in the body, stress, and illness…

This energy accumulates, takes away our smile, and mars our face… It turns into negativity that wakes up with us in the morning, and we get annoyed with those close to us…

And most of us are not even aware of it, we absorb and absorb…

In the past, this was my reality. I tried to escape from this negativity with TV series, shopping for clothes, going out with friends, emotional eating…

I had to go a long way to understand that energy doesn’t disappear, but it can be transformed. And only in this way  released  from the system. —————- 

How did I learn? I was blessed and received yoga as a gift. And I’m not talking about yoga as “exercise,” there’s no connection. I’m talking about yoga wisdom in the broad sense – which brings a lot of tools for working with our physical body and mind.

Yoga teaches us to be aware of the processes that happen to us and how to release them. How to turn negative energy into positive. How to turn bodily tension into a pleasant feeling of relaxation. It’s called Pratipaksha Bhavana.

For me, it changed my life. Now I’m in a state where I’ve released a lot from my body and mind, and every morning I wake up and smile, with an authentic smile that comes from the depths of my soul.

Of course, I want to tell you about the tools and techniques and help upgrade your day-to-day – in principle, these are relaxation and guided imagination processes… —————

 But here is a better idea 🙂 and I want to invite you to learn these yogic tools through direct experience under my guidance 😊

I want to invite you to a spiritual tour “in honor of the Days of Atonemen”Unfolding Inner Devi”t… that is going to happen in December 2024

It’s going to be two weeks of a fascinating program and processes from the world of yoga – to help you cleanse the pressures and accumulations that have built up during your life and learn to release…

Check the details

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