tuning in with yourself

Yoga Retreat & Yatra in Tiruvannamalai

October 18 - 20

3 days

This is not just a yoga retreat

And this is not just a Yatra

This is a journey within yourself to discover your peace of mind

We believe that our problems come from outside. But the real issue is the tension that has built up in our bodies, emotions, and minds over the years… which only gets worse and worse because of our complete inability to let go of it.

You can feel it in your neck and shoulders, in your stiff body…
You can see it in the tense expression on your face and the faces around you… in the aggression and hostility that comes out in your reactions and thoughts, which have become the norm…

This tension is constantly harming your health and well-being, polluting the environment around you, and making your life feel heavy – even if you are surrounded by comfort, family, and everything seems fine…

Is it possible to get rid of this tension?

By cleansing all levels of our being from this tension: body, emotions, and deep subconscious.

How do we do this?


And that’s how the “TUNING IN WITH YOURSELF” Yoga Retreat and Yatra in Tiruvannamalai was created.🫶🏻

The next journey start at October 18.

My name is Maayan Ben Dov (or Durga)

I’m Sivananda Yoga Acharya

and I discovered this way through my personal experience here in India – which totally shifted my life… I became lighter, I released kilograms of hidden pain and healed my heart here:

  • Here, I have been exposed to powerful places that have cured my deepest subconscious…

  • I have met special teachers monks who have guided me through Vedic Wisdom on how to resolve personal issues that were making me stuck, how to become more content, light and happy, how to love and be loved…

  • Here, my yoga practice has shifted to another dimension with the guidance of the monks and has become a powerful tool for self-growth…

And since it happened – the only thing i want – is to share it with you and to help you to go through this powerful experience.

Maayan Ben Dov - holistic yoga teacher

This is a deep journey within yourself, through combination of these 3 components:

⛰️visiting powerful energy places (Yatra) that will purify and heal your deepest subconscious

🙌🏻spending time in the presence of wise monks who will help you resolve personal issues and release layers of hidden pain, also through 1:1 sessions

🧘immersing yourself in and discovering ancient yoga practices that work with your physical body, mind, energies, emotions, subconscious, and help you balance your inner rhythms and simply be present…

The retreat is designed

  • To heal your heart and soul and to start your journey within, by providing a range of activities that will help you uncover and release hidden layers of pain, freeing more space in your heart to positivity and love
  • You will discover how to connect with the nature outside and inside of you, to get strength and be nourished by it, allowing you to develop a sense of security and stability no matter what is happening
  • Through various yoga practices, rituals, visiting powerful places, being in the presence of wise monks, meditations, and discussions, you’ll release kilograms of stress and anxiety that were accumulated on your subconscious… and feel free and light

You'll also learn how to

  • Be aware to your energy body and manage your emotions
  • Be aware to energy flows and vibrations in the space around us that will help you to stay more tuned and energized
  • How to balance yourself with simple but powerful yoga techniques in a everyday situations 
  • Develop your inner strength
  • Always Move forward and grow 

The truth is simple...

Your past cannot be changed - no need to regret... Your future is unknown, no need to worry...

Come to master how to be present and connected

There are plenty of reasons to join:

  • you will get more clarity on who you are, why things happen in life and what you should do 
  • you will meet ancient wisdom and learn how to uplift through it our modern lives
  • You will start your journey within towards yourself 

The End is just a beginning

and your inner transformation that will start here will turn into a journey of your life

Durga and Vishnu will help you integrate your newfound insights and sustain high vibrations, joy and positivity in everyday life, so you can become a beacon of light and security in your family and community.


About the Teachers

Maayan Ben Dov Durga

Maayan ben Dov (Durga)

Yoga Acharya | Vastu Expert

Yoga Acharya Certified by Sivananda Yoga Vedanta International Organization, but gained her real knowledge from two Hindu monks that she was lucky to stay with and get their personal guidance.

Her passion to yoga and Vedic wisdom started 15 years ago, when she started to meditate every day, and continued to evolve and grow to every fields of her life.
Even in architecture – her profession – she discovered that she can not just design houses – but help to design healing houses according to laws of nature and integrated modern design with Vastu Shastra (Indian science of designing healing structures), and continuing the lineage of teachers from Indian famous architect Dr Ganapati Stapati, taught by his fellow Mandodari.

She believes that the keys to a fulfilled connected to yourself life lie in Ancient Yoga wisdom and wants to connect between this gap.

At her retreat you will learn how to fall deeper in love with yourself and with the world around you, and be a constant source of happiness for yourself no matter what is happening around

Swami Vishnu

Swami Vishnu Yogeshvarananda Saraswati

Yoga teacher | PR Secretary of Indian Sanyasee Federation I Founder of International Pranaa Kendraa

Yoga Teacher certified by the International Sivananda Organization, Founder of International Prana Kendra, PRS of Indian Sanyasi Federation.

Swami Vishnu started his spiritual search at the age of 22. He spent a few years at the Sadguru organization, traveled across India to sacred places, met different masters, and learned their wisdom. He is also a social activist, helping to connect parentless children with families. Swami Vishnu is a part of the Indian Sanyasi Association, responsible for media and organizational activities for monks.

He and Durga are working together on a project called “Monks Talks” – interviewing Indian monks and sharing these interviews on YouTube to uncover ancient Vedic wisdom and help people find answers to important questions such as who we are and what the purpose of life is.

At his retreat, you will have a unique opportunity to connect with various masters and monks, learn from their wisdom, engage in conversations with them, and perhaps find your teacher among them.

HEAL FROM STRESS, TENSION AND ANXIETY of our modern life - in all the levels: body, subconscious and emotions, TUNE IN WITH YOURSELF, and come back to your routine light, inspired, energized, and equipped with a few yogic tools that will help you keep peace of mind, balance and joy

Our Praanaa Kendraa Ashram

Our “Praanaa Kendraa” ashram is located 40 km from Tiruvannamalai, the most sacred spot of Tamil Nadu.

The Ashram is a unique venue with a peaceful serene ambience, its surrounded by forest and pure nature with very powerful energies that you will experience in your practices. There was a Jeeva Samadhi of the sage SiddhaLingeshvaram, and another sage known as KarapaSiddhar spent here 3 years.

The ashram is simple but has all the facilities:

  • Rooms for 2 or 3 
  • Western style bathrooms
  • Fan
  • Beautiful garden and view
  • Spacious yoga and meditation hall 
  • A main Murugan temple and a lot of little temples perfect for meditation
  • lightly spiced Indian-style yogic vegetarian meals 

Please bear in mind the accommodation is moderate, designed to meet the basic requirements. The rooms are clean, airy and simple, – single, double or triple occupancy, with attached bath and toilet facilities. 

Yatra Itinerary and special activities

Retreat & Yatra Daily Schedule

13.00 – arrival – meeting participants, registration, snacks, tea
14.00-15.00 Yoga class, relaxation
14.00-17.30 visiting Teerthamalai, having teerthas (ibath in holy water, introduction lecture 1, pranayama and meditation practice there)
17.30-18.00 – break (tea, snacks)
18.00-19.30 – yagya
19.30 – 20.30 – dinner
20.30 – 21.30 – Lecture 2, yoga Nidra, Kirtan, Aarati
21.30 – sleep

6.00 – Yoga Nidra, Kirtan, Lecture , meditation of body awareness

7.30-8.00 – tea and snacks

8.00-10.00 – asana, relaxation, breathing, 

10.00-11.00 Launch

11.00 -14.00 – meeting Sanyasee 

14.00-16.00 – Break, time to be

16.00-16.30 – Tea and snacks

16.30 – 18.00 – lecture and practice, Pratipaksha Bhavana

18.00 -19.00 Dinner

19.00 – Yatra Tiruvannnamalai

4.00 come back to ashram, breakfast, sleep

13.00 – 13.30.00 – tea, snacks

13.30 – 15.30 – asanas, pranayama, meditation

15.30 – 16.00 – lecture on stress management through Ayurveda

16.00-17.00 – food

17.00 – 18.00 aarati , Kirtan, concluding circle,

Here people who stay 3 days can leave, and the group for 5 days – continues: 

19-21.00 Practice

 21-21.30 – Aarati

21.30 – sleep

The program may vary according to our Yatra schedual and we can start Yatra early in the morning or in the evening.

And only if you enroll until 5th of October you get

20% discount

The Location

What our participants tell about the program

Do you want to be the next and have one of the deepest experiences of your life?

What it’s including in this Retreat and Yatra?

What it’s not included?

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